SkinPen Microneedling in Melbourne:

Dermapen Microneedling: Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), also known as Microneedling, is a non-surgical & effective, treatment that uses micro-fine needles to stimulate collagen production and skin rejuvenation, with minimal downtime involved. This treatment isn’t just for your face, it is also safe to use almost anywhere on the body. Our Dermal Clinicans use a specialised device, the Dermapen, to perform Microneedling safely on all skin tones, as unlike some Laser and IPL treatments, the Dermapen recognises every skin tone as the same. Benefits of Dermapen Microneedling: Stimulates Collagen production to help combat ageing Reduces Scarring from Acne or Surgery Treats Uneven Skin Texture & Pigmentation Reduces Sun Damage Firms up slightly Lax Facial Skin Reduces Stretch Marks The Dermapen device can be carefully managed by our Dermal Clinicans as they are able to control the depth of the penetration of the fine needles. This allows the device to reach difference layers of your skin, and therefore the treatment can be customised to target your specific skin concerns and meet your needs. Generally, you’ll need at least 3 sessions, approximately 4-6 weeks apart for best results.

is a microneedling device that is clinically proven to effectively treat facial acne scarring and pigmentation. With as few as three non-invasive and affordable treatments 30 days apart, you can improve your appearance for six months after your last treatment.

Our Dermal Clinicians use a specialised device called a SkinPen to perform Microneedling, suitable for use on all skin tones.

Benefits of Skinpen Microneedling:

  • Short procedure time, only 30 minutes to one hour.
  • A mild sensation, you feel only the slight vibration of SkinPen during the procedure.
  • Minimal post-procedure downtime. The skin will appear slightly pink to red immediately post-procedure.
  • Stimulates Collagen production to help combat ageing
  • Reduces Scarring from Acne or Surgery
  • Increases skin thickness, stimulates cells, and reduces inflammation.

The SkinPen microneedling device causes micro-injuries that stimulate the body’s natural healing process triggering the release of cytokines and growth factors. The SkinPen is your new best friend  leading to regeneration of collagen and elastin.

SkinPen Microneedling in Melbourne:

Further Reading about Skinpen

More information about similar treatment –  Dermapen